Online Jobs

Online Job Hunting

There was a time when a person who wanted to find work had to buy newspaper and look through […]

Jobs Available Online

In the past, applying for a job meant looking through the classified ads in the local paper. The advent […]

Job Hunting Tips

Tutor Jobs

Jobs 101

Seize the Opportunity and the Job: The Interview

So, you’ve submitted a killer Curriculum Vitae and supporting documents. You’re ahead of the pack and have just received a call for an interview. What do you do next? The interview is the most stressful and important part of job hunting. This is where the employers make a decision based on his or her impression of whether to hire you for their job. You will want to do your best in this part because here lays the culmination of all your job hunting efforts. Flub it here […]

Seven Basic Salary Negotiation Tips

Money is the most sensitive issue in the whole hiring process. Discussing the compensation often causes anxiety on both employee and employer. Here are seven ways to make the process of salary negotiating efficient. 1) Research: Before the interview process begins, contact the professional organization that represents your field of career. As soon as they provide you with your salary information, you can now examine your monthly cash requirements. Remember that once your taxes are added to your paycheck, approximately 30% of your gross monthly salary is […]

How to Create the Perfect Cover Letter

Are you in the process of finding and applying for jobs? If you are, you may be ready to mail out your resume. Before you send out your resume or resumes, you will want to take a close look at the cover letter of your resume. For starters, are you even using a cover letter? If you are currently not using a cover letter, you will want to refrain from mailing out your resume, at least right away. Many businesses expect to receive cover letters attached to […]

Useful Job Hunting Tips

Hunting for jobs nowadays is a very competitive and sometimes cut-throat affair. Here are a few tips to help you get the edge in searching out and landing the job of your dreams. The Curriculum Vitae The CV is the first, and at most times the most important part of applying for a job. Since potential employers have to whittle down practically hundreds of applications to a few valid ones, they will have to base their narrowing down efforts using the CVs they have collected. Studies have […]