Tag Archives: job

Seize the Opportunity and the Job: The Interview

So, you’ve submitted a killer Curriculum Vitae and supporting documents. You’re ahead of the pack and have just received a call for an interview. What do you do next? The interview is the most stressful and important part of job hunting. This is where the employers make a decision based on his or her impression of whether to hire you for their job. You will want to do your best in this part because here lays the culmination of all your job hunting efforts. Flub it here […]

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Should You Quit Your Job Before Finding a New One?

Are you unhappy with your current job? Whether you are unsatisfied with your pay, with your position, with your supervisors, or with your coworkers, you may be interested in seeking employment elsewhere. If you are interested in finding a new job, do you have a plan of action? If you not, you will want to continue reading on. Of course, the decision to quit your job, as well as when and how you do so, is your decision to make. With that in mind, it is important […]

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Seven Basic Salary Negotiation Tips

Money is the most sensitive issue in the whole hiring process. Discussing the compensation often causes anxiety on both employee and employer. Here are seven ways to make the process of salary negotiating efficient. 1) Research: Before the interview process begins, contact the professional organization that represents your field of career. As soon as they provide you with your salary information, you can now examine your monthly cash requirements. Remember that once your taxes are added to your paycheck, approximately 30% of your gross monthly salary is […]

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How to Follow Up on All Contacts

If you are still in the job search process, it is extremely important to follow up on all contacts. It is not good to just sit and wait for results to come pouring in when you think that you’ve already done your part because your contact information has been distributed. Consider two men applying for a prime position at a company. After the interview, the first applicant just sits around waiting to hear from his prospective employer. On the other hand, the second applicant distributes his contact […]

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Job Search Tips for Sales Professionals

Each specific industry has a variety of requirements that an employee has to meet. In searching for jobs as sales professionals, how do you prepare for a competitive environment? Here are useful tips you could perform in searching the appropriate job and acing the interview. 1) Research: In order to be prepared on your interview, you should learn important facts about the company beforehand. * The internet is one of the best ways to search for information and most companies provide their own websites. Study the content […]

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Should You Apply for Temporary Jobs?

Are you in need of a job? If you, you may be after your dream job. While everyone has their own variation of a dream job, you will find that most want flexible hours, steady work, and high pay. Unfortunately, not every job seeker is able to land their dream job or even a permanent job if that. If you are having difficultly finding employment, you may be in the process of examining temporary jobs, but are they right for you? When it comes to determining if […]

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Useful Job Hunting Tips

Hunting for jobs nowadays is a very competitive and sometimes cut-throat affair. Here are a few tips to help you get the edge in searching out and landing the job of your dreams. The Curriculum Vitae The CV is the first, and at most times the most important part of applying for a job. Since potential employers have to whittle down practically hundreds of applications to a few valid ones, they will have to base their narrowing down efforts using the CVs they have collected. Studies have […]

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